Auf den Bühnen finden Konzerte verschiedener Vereine statt. Zudem gibt es ein Familienprogramm und auch für Speis und Trank ist gesorgt.

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Widget Styles

This page presents widget styles available in this theme.

Please remember that we recommend to use the widget styles like dark and color only on the sidebar widget area. On the other widget areas that can cause some problems with the page design in some configurations. Of course if you want to use one widget on the top1/2 or bottom1 widget area then there is no problem, but we suggest to not mix the default widget style with the mentioned suffixes.

The advertisement style is useful to present banners and advertisement texts.

Please remember that if you want to use the smaller title on your page then you can use the small style which will decrease the size of the widget title.




Feldmusik Ebikon
Postfach 1139
6031 Ebikon
